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Patricia A. Waak (Brazil 196668)
- My Bones are Red: A Spiritual Journey with a Tri-Racial People in the Americas, Mercer University Press, 2005 (Buy this book) REVIEW
Lyn Waldie (Tunisia 198991)
Thomas W. Walker (Colombia 196365)
- The Christian Democratic Movement in Nicaragua, Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1970.
- Nicaragua: The Land of Sandino (Westview Profiles/Nations of Contemporary Latin America) Boulder : Westview Press, 1981, 1986, 1991
- Nicaragua in Revolution, editor, New York: Praeger, 1982.
- Nicaragua: The First Five Years, editor, Praeger, 1985
- Reagan Versus the Sandinistas: The Undeclared War on Nicaragua , editor, Boulder: Westview Press, 1987.
- Understanding Central America with John A. Booth, Boulder: Westview Press 1989; 1993; 1999 (Buy this book)
- Revolution and Counterrevolution in Nicaragua, editor, Boulder: Westview Press, 1991.
- Perspectives on War and Peace in Central America (Monographs in international studies. Latin America series; no. 19.) edited with Sung Ho Kim, Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Center for International Studies,1992. (Buy this book)
- Nicaragua Without Illusions: Regime Transition and Structural Adjustment in the 1990s, editor, Scholarly Resources (SR Books) 1997 (Buy this book)
- Repression, Resistance, and Democratic Transition in Latin America Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources, 2000 (Buy this book)
- Dos Coronéis à Metropole: Fios e tramas da sociedade e da política em Ribeirão Preto no Século XX, e Agnaldo de Sousa Barbosa, Ribeirao Preto, Brasil: Palavra Magica, 2000.
- Nicaragua: Living in the Shadow of the Eagle, Westview Press, 2003 4th edition of Nicaragua: The Land of Sandino (Buy this book)
- Tie Back The Roses, Mildenhall UK: Explicitly Graphic, 1986)
- The Milking Jug, Merrick NY: Cross Cultural Communication, 1988
- Tales of a Yuppie Dropout, Centereach NY: Writers Ink, 1993
- Butterflies and Other Tattoos, Hempstead NY; Bootleg Press, 1993
- Poems of Augie Prime, Centereach NY: Writers Ink, 1999
- Swimming Through Water, Trento, It: La Finestra Editrice, 2003
- Greatest Hits, Johnstown OH: Pudding House Press, , 2003
- Without Benefit Of Men, NY: Chlenskiy Publishing, 2004
- Burn My Heart In Wet Sand, Leicester UK: Troubador Publishing, 2004 (Poetry Kit Prize) (Buy this book)
- Fifty Love Poems, Trento It: La Finestra Editrice, 2004
Thomas Walz (Staff: Honduras, CD 6264)
- Working in Welfare: Survival through Positive Action, with John E. Horejsi, Patrick R. Connolly, Iowa City: University of Iowa School of Social Work, 1977
- Beyond Management: Humanizing the Administrative Process, with Aldridge and Macy, Iowa City: University of Iowa School of Social Work, 1982
- The Unlikely Celebrity: Bill Sackter's Triumph over Disability, Southern Illinois University Press, 1998 (Buy this book)
Judy Wandschneider (Turkey 1969-71)
- Cookies and Conversation, Enterprise, OR: Pika Press, 1989
Carlos Wark (Ecuador 198486)
- Volunteer, Lulu, 2005 (Buy from Lulu)
Ed Warmoth (Dominican Republic 1985-87)
- But Do They Have Field Experience!, with Mary Warmoth, compiled & edited by Elayne Clift, Potomac, MD: OGN Publications, 1993 (Contributor)
Mary Warmoth (Dominican Republic 1985-87)
- But Do They Have Field Experience!, with Ed Warmoth, compiled & edited by Elayne Clift, Potomac, MD: OGN Publications, 1993 (Contributor)
William W. Warner (DC Staff: 1961 )
- Beautiful Swimmers: Watermen, Crabs and the Chesapeake Bay, with John Barth, Little Brown 1976 (Buy this book)
- Distant Water, Little Brown 1983 (Buy this book)
- At Peace With All Their Neighbors: Catholics and Catholicism in the National Capital 1787-1860, Georgetown University Press 1994 (Buy this book)
D. Michael Warren (Ghana 1964-66)
- Anthropology and the Peace Corps: Case Studies in Career Preparation, with Brian E. Schwimmer, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1992 (Co-author)
Amy Waterman (Ecuador 200002 )
- Save My Marriage Today, no publisher, no date
- How to be Irresistible to Men, no publisher, no date
- Seduction Genie, no publisher, no date
Neil L. Waters (Korea 196769)
- Japan's Local Pragmatists: The Transition from Bakumatsu to Meiji in the Kawasaki Region, Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1983
Tony Waters (Thailand 1980-82)
- Crime and Immigrant Youth, Sage 1999 (Buy this book)
- Bureaucratizing the Good Samaritan: The Limitations of Humanitarian Relief Operations, Westview 2001
- The Persistence of Subsistence Agriculture: Life Beneath the Level of the Marketplace, Lexington Books, 2006 (Buy this book)
- When Killing is a Crime, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007 (Buy this book)
Donald Ralph Watson (Tunisia 1962-64)
- Innovation in Solar Thermal Design, Washington, DC: AIA Research Corporation, 1975
- Designing and Building a Solar House, Charlotte, VT: Garden Way, 1977; 1985
- Energy Conservation through Building Design, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1979
- Solar Control Workbook, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 1981
- Climatic Design, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1983
- La Casa Solar, Madrid: H. Blume, 1985
Elsa Watson (Guinea-Bissau 199698)
Pete Watson (Benin 1972-76)
- The Market Lady and the Mango Tree, illustrated by Mary Watson, Tambourine Books, 1994 (Buy this book)
- The Heart of the Lion, illustrated by Mary Watson, Shenanigan Books, 2005 (Buy this book)
Gary M. Wederspahn (Staff: Ecuador 196870, Puerto Rico/Ecuador, 197073; Deputy Dir, Dir-Guatemala 197376; Dir.Costa Rica 197778 )
- Intercultural Services: Worldwide Buyer's Guide & Sourcebook, with William Sheridan, Gulf Publishing Co., 2000 (Buy this book) REVIEW
Priscilla Spires Wegars (Thailand 19631964)
Sale of these books benefit the University of Idaho's Asian American Comparative Collection
- Hidden Heritage: Historical Archaeology of the Overseas Chinese, editor, Amityville, NY: Baywood, 1993 (Buy this book)
- Polly Bemis: A Chinese American Pioneer, Cambridge, ID: Backeddy Books, 2003 (Buy this book)
- Chinese American Death Rituals: Respecting the Ancestors, editor with Sue Fawn Chung, Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, 2005 (Buy this book)
Alison Weir (Afghanistan 1969-71)
- Peter, Good Night, Deborah Kogan Ray (Illustrator), NY: Dutton, 1989 (Buy this book)
- The New Intifada: Resisting Israel's Apartheid, contributor, edited by Roane Carey, Verso, 2001; my essay is "Gaza: A Report from the Front" (Buy this book)
- Censored 2005: The Top 25 Censored Stories, contributor, edited by Peter Philips, Seven Stories Press, 2004; essay is "Israel and Palestine: Choosing Sides" (Buy this book)
David Weir (Afghanistan 1969-71)
- Circle of Poison, San Francisco: Institute for Food & Development Policy, 1981
- The Bhopal Syndrome: Pesticides, Environment, and Health, San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1987
- High Risk, High Gain: A Freewheeling Account of Peace Corps Training, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1968 REVIEW Review
Aaron Welch (Dominican Republic 200002)
- A Life Inspired: Tales of Peace Corps Service, contributor, DC: Peace Corps/USGPO, 2006
Tom Weller (Chad 199395)
- Americans Do Their Business Abroad: Stories by People Who Should Have Known Better, But Are Glad They Didn’t, (contributor), Lulu, 2007 (Buy at Lulu)
James F. Welles, (Malaysia 196566)
- Understanding Stupidity: An Analysis of the Unnatural Selection of Ideas, Beliefs and Behavior in Institutions and Organizations, Mount Pleasant Press, 1986; 7th printing 1997 (Buy this book)
- The Story of Stupidity: A History of Western Idiocy from the Days of Greece to the Present, Mount Pleasant Press, 1988.
Douglas Wells (Estonia 199296)
- In Search of the Elusive Peace Corps Moment Destination: Estonia, Xlibris, 2001 (Buy at Xlibris)
Ryan Wells (Samoa 19982000)
- A Life Inspired: Tales of Peace Corps Service, contributor, DC: Peace Corps/USGPO, 2006
Carol M. Welsh (Honduras 1962 64)
- When You’re Seeing Red, STOP!, Infinity Publishing.com, 1999 (Buy this book)
Laura Wendel (Togo 199193)
Nina Wendt (Malaysia 1973-76)
- Managing Emergency Situations in Law Firms: Minimizing the Damage, with L. J. Sklenar, Dubuque, IA: Association of Legal Administrators/Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 1994 (Co-author)
Henry Bernard (Hank) Wesselman (Nigeria 196466)
- The Omo Micromammals: Systematics and Paleoecology of Early Man Sites from Ethiopia, S. Karger AG 1984 (Buy this book)
- Spiritwalker, Bantam, 1995
- Medicinemaker: Mystic Encounters On The Shaman's Path, Bantam, 1998 (Buy this book)
- Visionseeker: Shared Wisdom from the Place of Refuge, Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2002 (Buy this book)
- Journey to the Sacred Garden, Hay House 2003 (Buy this book)
- Spirit Medicine: Healing in the Sacred Realms, Hay House 2004 (Buy this book)
- Little Ruth Reddingford and the Wolf, illustrated by Raquel Abreu, Illumination Arts Publishing Company, 2004 (Buy this book)
Jeff Westbrook (Peru 197374)
Margaret J. Wheatley (Korea 1966-68)
- Leadership and the New Science: Learning about Organization from an Orderly Universe, San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1994
Jennifer Seymour Whitaker (Nigeria 1962-64)
- Africa and the United States: Vital Interests, editor, New York : New York University Press, 1978.
- Conflict in Southern Africa, NY: Foreign Policy Association, 1979
- Strategies for African Development, A Study for the Committee on African Development Strategies, editor with Robert J. Berg, University of California Press, 1986, (World Hunger Media Award, 1986)
- How Can Africa Survive? New York : Council on Foreign Relations Press; Harper Collins 1988
- Salvaging the Land of Plenty: Garbage and the American Dream, William Morrow & Company, 1994
Virginia P. White (Hungary 199294)
- Grants: How to Find Out About Them and What To Do Next, Plenum Press, 1975 (Sixth printing in 1979) (Buy this book)
- Grants for the Arts, Plenum Publishing Corp., 1980; (Buy this book)
- Grant Proposals That Work, Plenum Publishing Corp., (Buy this book)
- Over the Hill in Hungary, Kroshka Books, Nova Science Publishers, 1999 (Buy this book) REVIEW
Dwight Whitfield (Kenya 197984)
- King Shaka's Fierce Battle on the Little Umkosi, Westfield, MI: Sandwight Publishing Co., 2001 (Buy this book)
Ruth Whitney (Ghana 196264)
- Feminism & Love: Transforming Ourselves and Our World, Cross Cultural Publications, 1998 (Buy this book)
Al (Alwyn F.) Wiebe (Colombia 197173)
- Photochromism: Optical and Photographic Applications, with George H. Dorion, London, New York, Focal P., 1970.
- For Two Years Who Cares: A Peace Corps Odyssey, with Kathie Wiebe, Fairfield, Ohio: Wiebe & Associates, 3212 East Highway 30, Kearney, NE 68847, (8 Suffolk Court, Fairfield, Ohio 45014), 2000 REVIEW
Kathie Wiebe (Colombia 197173)
- For Two Years Who Cares: A Peace Corps Odyssey, with Al Wiebe, Fairfield, Ohio: Wiebe & Associates, (8 Suffolk Court, Fairfield, Ohio 45014), 2000 REVIEW
Katharine (Katie) Wiegele (Philippines 198890)
- Investing in Miracles: El Shaddai and the Transformation of Popular Catholicism in the Philippines, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2005
Bryant Wieneke (Niger 197476)
Alix Wilber (Morocco 1981-84)
- The Wives' Tale, NY: Norton, 1991 REVIEW
David Wiley (Ethiopia 1962-64)
- Designs for a Utopian Zoo: Selected Poetry of David Wiley, Raleigh, NC: Half Moon Press, 1993
- The Face of Creation, Raleigh, NC: Horse & Buggy Press, 1996

Richard Wiley (Korea 1967-69)
- Soldiers in Hiding, Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987 (PEN/Faulkner Award); BackinPrint.com, 2004: Hawthorne Books, 2006 (Buy this book) REVIEW
- Fools' Gold, NY: Knopf, 1988
- Festival for Three Thousand Maidens (Buy this book), NY: Dutton, 1991
- From the Center of the Earth: Stories Out of the Peace Corps, contributor, Santa Monica, CA: Clover Park Press, 1991 (Buy this book)
- Indigo, NY: Dutton, 1992
- Going Up Country, Travel Essays by Peace Corps Writers (Buy this book), Scribner's, 1994 (Contributor)
- Ahmed's Revenge, Random House, 1998 (Buy this book)
* Winner of the 1999 Maria Thomas Fiction Award presented by Peace Corps Writers.
- Commodore Perry's Minstrel Show, U of Texas Press, 2007(Buy this book) REVIEW
Harvey Williams (Panama 196466)
- Nicaragua in Revolution. Thomas W. Walker (Colombia 196264) editor, NY: Praeger. 1982. (contributor)
- Third World Medicine and Social Change. edited by John Morgan. Washington: University Press, 1983. (contributor)
- Aging in Developing Societies, edited by John Morgan. Bristol, IN: Wyndham Hall Press. 1985 (contributor)
- Nicaragua: The First Five Years. Thomas W. Walker (Colombia 196264) editor, NY: Praeger. 1985. (contributor)
- Reagan and. the Sandinistas: The Undeclared War on Nicaragua. Thomas W. Walker (Colombia 196264) editor, Boulder CO: Westview Press. 1987. (contributor)
- Nicaragua: An Annotated Bibliography. edited by Neil Snarr. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian Press. 1988. (contributor)
- Women, Development and Change. edited by M. Francis Abraham and Subhadra Abraham. Bristol, IN: Wyndham Hall Press. 1988. (contributor)
- Thanks to God and the Revolution: The Oral History of a Nicaraguan Family. by Diane Walta Hart. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press. 1990. (contributor)
- Nicaragua: Revolution and Counterrevolution. Thomas W. Walker (Colombia 196264) editor. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1991 (contributor)
- Women in World Politics: An Introduction. edited by Francine D'Amico and Peter R. Beckman. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey Publishers. 1995. (contributor)
- Baseball and Butterflies, illustrated by Linda Storm, Lothrop, Lee & Shephard, 1990
- Galimoto, illustrated by Catherine Stock, Lothrop, Lee & Shephard, 1990 (Buy this book) (Living the Dream Book Award, 1992)
- When Africa Was Home, illustrated by Floyd Cooper, Orchard Books, 1991; 1994 (Buy this book)
- First Grade King, illustrated by Dee deRosa, Clarion Books, 1992
- Applebaum's Garage, Clarion Books, 1993
- Tap-Tap, illustrated by Catherine Stock, Clarion Books, 1994 (Buy this book)
- A Real Christmas This Year, Clarion Books, 1995 (Buy this book)
- Painted Dreams, illustrated by Catherine Stock; Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Books, 1998 (Buy this book)
- One Thing I'm Good At, Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Books, 1999 (Buy this book)
- Circles of Hope, Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2005 (Buy this book)
- Four Feet, Two Sandals, with Khadra Mohammed, illustrated by Doug Chayka, Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2007 (Buy this book)
Linda Verlee Williams (Ethiopia 1966-68)
- Teaching for the Two-Sided Mind: A Guide to Right Brain/Left Brain Education (Buy this book), NY: Prentice Hall, 1983; Simon & Schuster (Touchstone Book), 1986
- Writing under the pseudonym Linda Grant,
- Random Access Murder, NY: Avon, 1988; Intrigue Press, 1998 (Buy this book)
- Sisters in Crime 2, contributor, no publishter, 1990
- Sisters in Crime 3, contributor, no publishter, 1991
- Blind Trust (Buy this book), NY: Scribner, 1990; Ivy Books, 1991
- Love Nor Money: A Catherine Sayler Mystery (Buy this book), NY: Scribner, 1992; Ivy Books, 1993
- The Mysterious West, contributor, NY: HarperPaperbacks, 1994
- Malice Domestic 4, contributor, no publisher, 1994
- A Woman's Place (Buy this book), NY: Scribner (Ivy Books), 1994; Ivy Books, 1995
- Lethal Genes: A Catherine Sayler Mystery (Buy this book), NY: Scribner, 1996; Ivy Books, 1997
- Women on the Case, contributor, no publisher, 1996
- Vampire Bytes: A Crime Novel with Catherine Sayler, NY: Scribner (Ivy Books), 1998 (Buy this book) (Buy this book)
- The First Lady Murders, contributor, NY: Pocket Star Books, 1999 (Buy this book)
- Mom, Apple Pie, and Murder, contributor, NY: Berkley Prime Crime, 1999
David Williamson (Venezuela 19641966)
- The Third Battalion Mississippi Infantry and the 45th Mississippi Regiment: A Civil War History, McFarland & Co., 2004 (Buy this book)
Wendy Williamson (Cameroon 199496; Ecuador 199698)
Angene Hopkins Wilson (Liberia 196264)
- The Meaning of International Experience for Schools, Greenwood Press, 1993
- Social Studies and the World: Teaching Global Perspectives, with Merry Merryfield (Sierra Leone 197779) National Council for the Social Studies, 2005
Dwight Wilson (Chile/Honduras 198183)
- To Touch the World: The Peace Corps Experience, contributor, Peace Corps/USGPO, DC, 1994, 1995
Don Wilsun (Morocco)
- Orcas Island, Seattle: Red Sky Press, 1980
- Sweet Skin, Seattle: nine muses books,1993
- Frog's Legs (Les Cuisses de Crapeaux), Seattle: nine muses books, 1996
- Nobody's Orphan Child, contributor, Seattle: Red Sky Poetry Theatre, 1996
- Lynchings, publisher unknown, 2002
Allan M. Winkler (Philippines 196769)
- The Politics of Propaganda: The Office of War Information, 1942-1945. Yale University Press, 1978. (Buy this book)
- Modern America: The United States from World War II to the Present. Harper & Row, 1985. (Translated into Swedish as Förenta Staternas Historia efter 1945, Esselte Studium, 1989) (Buy this book)
- Home Front, U.S.A.: America during World War II. Harlan Davidson, 1986, 2nd ed. 2000.
- The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society. (Co-author with Gary Nash, Julie Jeffrey, John Howe, Peter Frederick, and Allen Davis) Harper & Row, 1986, 2nd ed. 1990, 3rd. ed. 1994, 4th ed. (now published by Addison Wesley Longman) 1998, 5th ed. 2000, 6th ed. 2003; Brief eds. 1992, 1996, 1999, & 2002. (Buy this book)
- The Recent Past: Readings on America Since World War II (editor). Harper and Row, 1989. (Translated into Rumanian as Trecutul Apropiat: Eseuri i Documente Despre America De Dup Cel De Al Doilea R zboi Mondial, Editura Dacia, 1996. (Buy this book)
- Life Under a Cloud: American Anxiety about the Atom. Oxford University Press, 1993. Revised papberback edition published by the University of Illinois Press, 1999. (Translated into Japanese as Amerikajin No Kaku Ishiki, 1999.) (Buy this book)
- America: Pathways to the Present. (Co-author with Andrew R. L. Cayton and Elisabeth Israels Perry) Prentice Hall, 1994, 2nd ed. 1996, 3rd ed. 1998, 4th ed. 2000, 5th ed. 2003 (Buy this book)
- Cassie's War (a novel for children). Royal Fireworks Press, 1994 (Buy this book)
- The Cold War. Oxford University Press, 2000; 2001 (Buy this book)
- Postwar United States, 1946-1968, Volume IX of Encyclopedia of American History, under the general editorship of Gary B. Nash. Facts on File, 2003.
- Uncertain Safari: Kenyan Encounters and African Dreams. Hamilton Books, University Press of America, 2004 (Buy this book)
Ken Winkler (India, 1964-66; Czech Republic 1995-96)
- Pilgrim of the Clear Light: The Biography of Dr. Walter Evans-Wentz, Berkeley CA: Dawnfire Books/Colin Smythe Ltd., 1982
- The Furies Arise: A Novel of the Indian Mutiny, Berkeley CA: Dawnfire Books/Colin Smythe Ltd., 1984
- A Thousand Journeys: A Biography of Lama Anagarika Govinda, Element Books, Vega imprint, 2002 (Buy this book)
Sandra Adelmund Witt (Afghanistan 1973-75)
- Aerial Studies, Minneapolis, MN: New Rivers Press, 1994
Harris Wofford (Staff: Washington; Ethiopia, Country Director; 1962-66)
- It's Up to Us: Federal World Government in Our Time, NY: Harcourt, Brace & Co. 1946
- Road to the World Republic: Policy and Strategy for Federalists, Chicago: Federalist Press, 1948
- India Afire, with Claire Wofford, NY: J. Day Co., 1951
- Embers of the World: Conversations with Scott Buchanan, Santa Barbara, CA: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1970 (Editor)
- Of Kennedys and Kings: Making Sense of the Sixties, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1980; University of Pittsburgh Press, 1992
- Going Up Country, Travel Essays by Peace Corps Writers (Buy this book), Scribner's, 1994 (Foreword)
Theodore A. Wolff (Malaysia 196567)
- The Mosquitoes of New Mexico, with Lewis T. Nielsen, U of NM Press, 2007 (Buy this book)
Evan Wolfson (Togo 197879)
- Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality, and Gay Peoples Right to Marry, Simon & Schuster, 2004 (Buy this book)
Roz Wollmering (Guinea-Bissau 199092)
- To Touch the World: The Peace Corps Experience, contributor, Peace Corps/USGPO, DC, 1994, 1995
- Peace Corps: The Great Adventure, contributor, Peace Corps/USGPO, 1997, 1999
- Voices From the Field: Reading and Writing About the World, Ourselves and Others, contributor, Washington: Peace Corps, 2002 (to download a PDF copy)
- Yellow Journalist: Dispatches from Asian America, Temple Univerisity Press, 2001 (Buy this book)
- Oaklands Chinatown, Arcadia Publishing, 2004
Michael J. Wood (Ukraine, Turkmenistan)
- Moon Handbooks Nicaragua, Avalon Travel Publishing, and Joshua Berman (Nicaragua 19982000), 2002; 2nd edition 2005 (Buy this book)
- Living Abroad in Nicaragua, with Joshua Berman (Nicaragua 19982000), Moon Handbooks, 2006 (Buy this book)
Albert S. Woodhull (Nigeria 196567)
- Operating Systems: Design and Implementation (Second Edition), with Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall; 2nd edition, 1997); (Buy this book)
- Sistemas Operativos (Con 1 CD ROM), with Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Albert S. Woodhull; Prentice Hall 1999 (Buy this book)
John A. Woods (Ethiopia 1965-68)
- The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Quality Terms and Concepts (Buy this book), with James W. Cortada, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1995
- Qualitrends: 7 Quality Secrets That Can Change Your Life (Buy this book), with James W. Cortada, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1996
- 10 Minute Guide to Teams and Teamwork (Buy this book), Alpha Books/MacMillan General Reference, 1997
- Supervision (Buy this book), Gregor M. Bounds and Woods: South-Western College Publishing, 1997
- Sales Games and Activities for Travelers: Easy-to-Use Games, Activities, and Exercises to Teach and Learn How to Sell, Gary B. Connor and Woods: (Buy this book), McGraw Hill, 1997
- The Quotable Executive, McGraw-Hill, 2000 (Buy this book).
June Woods (Botswana 1978-81)
- Time Out: A Peace Corps Volunteer's Story, Self-published, 1989
Roberta Worrick (Ethiopia 197173)
- Night Blind, iUniverse, 2006 REVIEW
William F. Woudenberg (Colombia)
- Letters from the Peace Corps (contributor), Washington: Robert B. Luce, Inc., 1964
Marion Zeitlin Wray (Ghana 196163)
- Letters from the Peace Corps (contributor), Washington: Robert B. Luce, Inc., 1964
- FusionBranding: How To Forge Your Brand For The Future, Accountability Press, 2002 (Buy this book)
- ProfitBrand: How to Increase tne Profitability, Accountability and Sustainability of Brands, Kogan Page, 2005 (Buy this book)
Kenneth C. Wylie (Sierra Leone 196163)
- The Political Kingdoms of the Temne: 1825-1910, Africana Publishing Co, 1977
- Bigfoot: A Personal Inquiry into a Phenomenon, The Viking Press, 1980
- Environmental Crisis: Africa and Latin America, (collected and edited),The Centennial Review, 1991
- An Enchanting Darkness: The American Vision of Africa in the Twentieth Century, with Dennis Hickey, Michigan State University Press 1993